quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

that is it....

I am always think about who i am.. who I want to be.. this kind of things.. and I am not sure I am who I liked to be when i was younger, I don't really remember if just one day I desire to be whatI am today... I mean, I am a happy person in general.. I got a great job, I am finishing my college, I'm lucky because my parents are still here.. but sometimes I feel like I've missing so many things just because I am afraid of trying.. or just because I am afraid of show who I really am..
Yes, maybe I hide too much inside, or not.. I want to be always in a good mood, or at least seem so.. but it is not easy at all... And some people really see it..
Maybe I should face my fears or just let things go.. I mean I have soo many dreams.. but I am afraid to let some things go, because it should change my life...
Sometimes I just wake up and I want to do everything that come to my mind without think too much.. Just do it! Almost all the times it happen I think too much and I don't do... and that things are not too dificil or illegal.. It can be just go walking on the street at the middle of the night.. or stop my car in a empty place and scream out loud... or just dance, sing no matter how stupid it seems..
I know I am still a child and I am not sure if I want to grow up..
I know I always wanted a good job.. and i have one..
I always wanted happy days.. and I have a couple of them..
I know the life won't be easy or joy always.. and i already felt it..
I know I can't have everything I wish or want... I lived it too..

Well.. I am lucky!

Um comentário:

Leandro Vieira disse...

VocÊ perdeu a parte do "não dá mais para levar ASSIM"