terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Pensando - Thinking

Como já é sabido, sou uma pessoa que pensa muito, o tempo todo e sobre tudo, exceto é claro quando eu de fato deveria pensar.. aí sou uma completa idiota..

Essa semana tem sido uma semana e tanto... Muitas amizades nascendo, coisas boas acontecendo... dias felizes... muitas novidades..

Mas sempre parece que alguma coisa vai dar errado...

sempre bate aquela tristeza no fim...

Como se nada fosse acontecer de novo, como se tudo isso fosse só uma fantasia ou não sei...

Queria mesmo que as coisas acontecessem rápido... mas gosto muito do jeito que está.. Talvez seja melhor que continuem assim, pelo menos por enquanto.

"E eu só queria ter mais um dia pra acreditar que a Terra do Nunca existe afinal."


As you know I am a person who thinks a lot, everytime and about everything but when I should think I usually don't then I am a idiot completely....

This week has been a very nice week so far.. many friendship are borning... good things are happening.. happy days.. many many news..

But always seems like something bad will happen... The sadness always knock the door at the end...

Seems like nothing could happen again.. like if everything was just a fantasy or.. I don't know...

I really wish that the things could happen faster... but I do like how it is... Maybe it is better that things keep going like this.. at least for now....

"And I just wish I could have one more day to believe that The Neverland really exist."

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Something special...

Bom, li uma coisa muito boa e resolvi rouba-la! Os creditos estão ao fim do texto
(If you don't understand Portuguese, just keep going down, there is the same text in English.)

Confio em vc ...
Te amo , sei que nunca me enganou e nunca o fará , sinto que és fiél , está sempre comigo, me da alegrias , me completa , me faz feliz , divide minhas vitórias mas principalmente nas derrotas vc sempre esta de braços abertos me esperando com seu sorriso lindo.
Sei que nunca me trocara por uma ilusão ou um amigo desonesto ...
Confio em vc ...
Te amo , nos completamos , vc é minha metade, a metade que procurei a vida toda e nunca me dei conta que estava sempre aqui comigo. Sim, fui um tolo acreditei em falsas promessas deixei me iludir e você? Você estava aqui sempre esperando meu retorno com frases de carinho , melodias de conforto , poesias prontas pra dizer em meu ouvido , arranjos melódicos que em sua voz soam como o mais lindo dos sonetos o mais lindo dos poemas , seu peito colado ao meu tem som de tambores batendo em perfeita harmonia como se estivessem dizendo um ao outro "Não pare antes de mim".
E por isso caminharemos sempre juntos numa só batida , num só compasso , num só coração!
Eu te amo...
confio em vc ...
minha MUSICA, minha ARTE, minha VIDA !!!

By Ygor Requena


Well, I read a very good text and I stole it and put it here. The credits are on the bottom.

I trust you...
I love you, I know you never cheat me and you will never do. I feel that you are loyal, you are always with me, you give me joy, you complete me and make me happy. You share with me my wins but specialy on loss... you are always with open arms waiting me with a smile on your face.
I know you will never substitute me for a ilusion or a dishonest friend...
I trust you...
I love you, we complete each other, you are my 'half', that one i looked for all my life and i never realized you were always here with me. Yes, I was silly, i believed in false promises, I let you confused me, and you? You were here, waiting me with affection sentences, comfort melodies and ready poems to say in my ear. Melodic arrangments that in your voice sounds like the most beautiful sonnets, the most beautiful poems.
Stuck your chest to mine, has the sound of drums beating in perfect harmony as if they were telling each other "Don't stop before me".
And because of this we'll walk together in just one hit, just one bar, just one heart.
I love you...
I trust you...
My MUSIC, my ART, my LIFE.

By Ygor Requena - translation by me

Hope you enjoy.. Please coment!

quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

What I felt and what I feel....

You came, and it was special.. I've never seen such a sweet person before, all things i wish i'd forget.. I really thought to let everything behide for you, I was really changing all my life for you,

even though I was not sure it was right, but I loved you, and there was just one thing in my mind: "I will try as hard as I can. If it doesn't work, won't be my fault. "
And I tried harder and harder, and it didn't work. When you came to me and said: "You are such a great person but you are not for me" I just cried over and over again.. day after day.. week after week.. And I was so hurted inside, deeply hurted, I just couldn't move on.. I didn't want to forget.. I asked you millions of time "please, don't forget." but you did... and I couldn't.. and I hardly thought it was my fault.

I've missed you so far, all our talks and words.. I've missed your eyes and your voice... I tryed don't mind, but again I couldn't. At the end I thought "What did I do so wrong? Why didn't it work?" And I felt silly to believe you. I felt stupid to believe in all those things. But again, I loved you, and it was real, I am sure it was... Maybe I am writting this just to pass a line over it. When I open it, I had no intension to write about this, but I don't really know what happened..

One thing is right and it is.. God doesn't let us do such a stupid thing by chance, all these had a purpose, I mean, I hope it had. Because it really hurted me...

I hide your pictures in my notebook so far... but somedays ago every thing change.. or I thought it was changed. "I will put it here, when you clean it your heart will decide what you should do" - Thank you for these words!

We just met because of a green light... and i was a crazy person for him already. It was funny I confess. Something else happened after that moment... and it was special too.. more than that time i was talking about, because it was a real person not a machine, and I could feel alive again..

I was totally hopeless, and live without hope is not good, I do know it. Sometimes I am like a child, and maybe I will be like this forever... and this is not good at all. Because I want to see him, I want to be with him, I want to call just to say good night, maybe he doesn't. And I feel I will screw up everything. "I can't set my hopes to high." But this feeling: Be alive is too much good. Even if I don't want to thing just me and I really don't. I don't care too much about me, I just want someone else to make happy, to make smile and to trust. I just want to have someone else to believe and share the happiness and everything. Just to make both of our lifes more pleaseant, happy and easy, because it is always good when there is someone on our side.

I also feel I need to apologize, because I am acting like a little child, like a 15 years-old-girl. And I don't like, so I am sorry. But this is me, I can't hide my bad side from him, 'cause he is so clear. I really wish I could be better... and don't make such a stupid mistakes like that..
I am sorry!

PS: I wish he could think like me, and feel like me, and want the same things.. but I am not sure about this. Time will show, if i don't mess up everything before.

by Carol

domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

Lembranças... - Memories...

Sim, algumas coisas de fato nos prende em algum lugar no passado, distante ou não.
Sabe aquele livro..?
Aquele programa de TV...?
Aquela música...?
Um cheiro....
Uma imagem....

Tudo o que nos faz lembrar de coisas..
Algumas ruins, outras boas..

Mas não sabemos o porque, sempre que ouvimos, lemos, assistimos, ou o que quer que seja, lembramos do que já foi, e sentimos saudade.
Saudade que dói, que abre feridas..

Mas temos que seguir as nossas vidas mesmo contra nossa vontade...


Yes, somethings really holds us in somewhere in the past, it can be a past far away or not.
Do you know that book...?
that TV program..?
That music...?
A smell
a image

All that makes us remember something..
some of them are good, others are bad..

But, we don't know why, everytime we listen, read, watch or whatever, we remember what passed and we miss it..
"saudade" that hurts, that open sores...

But we have to go on with life even against will...

That is all.

by Carol