segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009

What can I say? And now?

I can say something about all..
but don't need, because
which one to have different opinions.

I think about love...
what is love?
when is love hapeen?
how can I know when I'm loving?
What is right?
what is wrong?

I'm confusing!!!

I need to do a choice!
But this choice can change all my life!
I can to suffer so much,
but I can to be very happy too!

I do my choice!
I don't know if is right choice!
but I do it.
If it's wrong, I come to face to face with this.
That is because I had a choice!
If I don't have this I never sure if was it or not.

In life is need to try somethings,
You can wrong, but you can right.

Make your choice!

I make my choice! I conscient to consequences. But I do!

I preffer to regret what I make.

Are thinking to could be and not was. Is more worst!

I make my choice....

And now?

And now I am waiting....
Waiting for live to life
Waiting for my dreams come true...
Waiting for the completely happeness
Waiting for you, maybe!

Um comentário:

Leandro Vieira disse...

If you "already" made your choice...
If you already is sure...
Now, you can live...
Just wainting for the day...
When your "true love" come!!!